4 Tips For A Fast Recovery From A Tooth Extraction

At Lakeland Smile Experts we will do everything to save your tooth, but sometimes it can’t be saved or restored and an extraction is needed. After having your tooth extracted we know you would like to return to your normal eating and drinking routine . Good...

I just fractured my tooth, what should I do?

Even though your teeth are usually very strong, there are many things that can cause a fracture: Biting something hard Falling Cavities that have weakened your tooth Being hit your face or your mouth What should I do? When a tooth fractures, big or small, you might...

5 Reasons to Visit your Dentist in Lakeland

Visit your doctor at least twice a year is really important to keep your dental health up and running. When you forget to visit your doctor you increase the chances of detecting early any dental problem that you might have and you’re not aware of it. At Lakeland we...