The most important time of the year is here, the Holiday season is starting and during this period you can eat all you want, drink, feast and the best thing is that you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.

At Lakeland Smile Experts we also like the holiday season and before you start thinking about the christmas dinner, candies and chocolates, we would like for you to take into consideration 3 tips for dental care during the festivities:

  1. Dental Travel Kit – If you’re traveling out of town consider to always carry a dental travel kit, including:Mouthwash
    • Floss
    • Toothpaste
    • Toothbrush
  2. Brush after every meal | keeping your routine – Just finished your dessert after having a fabulous meal. Now is time to brush and floss your teeth, keep doing this after every meal.
  3. Eat responsibly – It’s hard to resist to sweets during the Holidays. If you want to keep your teeth healthy and clean, avoid any type of sugar and candies at all times, but if you decide to jump into that caramel popcorn balls, just be careful with the bite and like mentioned above brush your teeth afterwards.

We hope this tips helps your teeth to stay strong during the Holidays. Happy Holidays from our staff and your Local Dentists Lakeland Smile Experts.

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