Bacteria Population Grows as you Age

Give Your Gums a Break


Is known that bacteria tends to grow as we age. Remember that bacteria are infectious organism that intend to conquer your mouth and destroy your teeth. As we get older, our ability to produce antibacterial saliva decreases. You can easily protect yourself against new bacteria attacks by soaking your dentures overnight.

Your bones are supposed to bear the force of your teeth, now that you have a replacement you should consider that your gums are now that support. By the end of the day your gums will be sore of supporting your denture. The best way to help your gums? Well soak your water overnight and give your gums a break, while you rest.

Soaking Is Very Effective at Cleaning Dentures

Brushing your teeth can remove bacterias from your dentures but cannot remove the bacteria your toothbrush can’t reach but soaking can. Soaking your dentures overnight will remove over 99.99% of oral bacteria and will help keep your oral bacteria under control, giving your mouth a healthy and clean dental health.

Having a denture provides many benefits, it will help you chew better and enjoy your daily meals, your smile will improve significantly and your confidence will be stronger than before.

To keep enjoying the benefits of dentures you need to keep your denture clean and fresh and to maximize the performance and endurance.

The best way to keep your dentures clean is to soak them overnight. Why? At Lakeland Smile Experts we can give you 3 reasons why you should soak your dentures overnight.

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